Hall of Fame
The Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club Hall of Fame honours those runners who have completed at least 30 Melbourne Marathons. Membership rules are as follows:
(1) Inductees into the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club Inc. – Hall of Fame must have successfully completed thirty Melbourne Marathons.
(2) Inductees must be Financial Members of the Club at the time of induction.
(3) Inductees must be formally invited to join the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club Inc. – Hall of Fame.
(4) Presentation of Hall of Fame certificates to be made at our Club’s Annual General Meeting following the invitee’s successful completion of their thirty Melbourne Marathons.
(5) Once inducted into the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club Inc. – Hall of Fame, inductees will be listed as Hall of Fame members on our Club’s website.
Hall of Fame Members after 2024 Annual General Meeting
The runners listed below have been admitted to the Hall of Fame. The year of last completed Melbourne Marathon is shown in brackets.
Barker, Stephen, S0368 (2024)
Bartley, Duncan, S0791 (2024)
Battrick, Peter, S0005 (2015)
Biviano, Frank, S0007 (2017)
Bowes, Ken, S0173 (2019)
Burt, John, S0308 (2018)
Campbell, Ian, S0095 (2022)
Craike, Jamie, S0738 (2023)
Creamer, Hugh, S0180 (2023)
Dean, John, S0020 (2019)
Dobson, John, S0021 (2024)
Flegg, Bryan, S0115 (2019)
Fleming, Jay, S1012 (2022)
Foskey, David, S0025 (2024)
Gainey, Ian, SW0001 (2024)
Gardner, Neville, S0030 (2019)
Gawne, Brian, S0190 (2012)
Gubbins, John, S0037 (2007)
Harcoan, Chas, S0120 (2023)
Hargreaves, Bruce, S0039 (2021)
Harris, Russell, S0554 (2019)
Heine, Eric, S0872 (2024)
Hopkins, Jim, S0125 (2024)
Hunter, Keith, S0040 (2008)
Iovenitti, Carlo, S0394 (2019)
Kaparelis, John, S0749 (2024)
Karageorgiou, Manuel, S0045 (2016)
Kaszmarek, Francis, S0940 (2024)
Lightowler, Steven, S0400 (2024)
Marsh, Trevor, S0751 (2024)
Marshall, Kelvin, S0849 (2024)
Martin, Antony, S0133 (2015)
McNeice, Conor, S0131 (2014)
Moore, Gregory, S0914 (2024)
Moore, Peter, S0277 (2017)
Nish, Dennis, S0138 (2019)
Payne, Gregory, S0930 (2022)
Ryan, Peter, S0069 (2014)
Summers, Grayson, S0290 (2024)
Tann, Richard, S0155 (2015)
Thiele, Brett, S0674 (2022)
Thompson, Wayne, S0078 (2024)
Walsh, Brian, S0599 (2019)
Watt, Ken, S0844 (2021)
Weinstein, Roger, S0081 (2021)
Whitehand, Clarke, S0160 (2009)
Yatomi-Clarke, Jim, S0530 (2024)
Young, Shirley, SF0002 (2007)
Zanetidis, Con, S0607 (2024)

Runners who have completed 15 to 45 Melbourne Marathons
The following achievements have been updated after the 2023 Marathon. The year of last completed Melbourne Marathon is shown in brackets. This data has been extracted from our database, and incomplete or inaccurate results are possible. Please let us know at [email protected] if you believe corrections are required.
Legends have completed all 46 Melbourne Marathons.
- John Dobson (2024)
- David Foskey (2024)
- Wayne Thompson (2024)
The following runners have only missed two Melbourne Marathons.
- Chas Harcoan (2023)
- Jim Hopkins (2024)
These Spartans have finished 43 Melbourne Marathons.
- Bruce “Digger” Hargreaves (2021)
- Grayson Summers (2024)
- Roger Weinstein (2021)
This Spartan has finished 42 Melbourne Marathons.
- Ian Campbell (2022)
These Spartans have finished 41 Melbourne Marathons.
- Bryan Flegg (2019)
- Neville Gardner (An original Legend) (2019)
- Steven Lightowler (2024)
- Dennis Nish (2019)
These Spartans have finished 40 Melbourne Marathons.
- Frank Biviano (2017)
- Ken Bowes (2019)
This Spartan has finished 39 Melbourne Marathons.
- Manny Karageorgiou (An original Legend) (2016) (deceased)
This Spartan has finished 38 Melbourne Marathons.
- Kelvin Marshall (2024)
These Spartans have finished 37 Melbourne Marathons.
- Stephen Barker (2024)
- Peter Battrick (An original Legend) (2015)
- Carlo Iovenitti (2019) (deceased)
- Antony Martin (2015) (deceased)
- Andy Moore (2024)
- Peter Ryan (An original Legend) (2014)
- Richard Tann (2015)
- Con Zanetidis (2024)
These Spartans have finished 35 Marathons.
- Duncan Bartley (2024)
- John Burt (2018)
- John Kaparelis (2024)
- Jim Yatomi-Clarke (2024)
These Spartans have finished 34 Marathons.
- Lorraine Allen (2023)
- Laurie Glover (deceased) (2012)
- Russell Harris (2019)
- Eric Heine (2023)
- Conor McNeice (2014)
- Brian Walsh (2019)
These Spartans have completed 33 Marathons.
- Hugh Creamer (2023)
- John Dean (An original Legend) (2019)
- Gregory Moore (2024)
These Spartans have completed 32 Marathons.
- Ian Gainey (2024)
- Brian Gawne (2012)
- Francis Kaszmarek (2024)
- Trevor Marsh (2023)
- Brett Thiele (2022)
These Spartans have completed 31 Marathons.
- Jamie Craik (2023)
- Brickley Hepburn (2010)
- Jay Fleming (2022)
- Pat Larkins (2011)
- Peter Moore (deceased) (2017)
These Spartans have completed 30 Marathons.
- Foley, Mark, S0979 (2024)
- Jack Gubbins (An original Legend) (2007) (deceased)
- Keith Hunter (2008)
- Gregory Payne (2022)
- Ken Watt (2021)
- Clarke Whitehand (2009)
- Shirley Young (An original Legend) (2007) (deceased)
29 Runs
28 Runs
Bulafkin, Malcolm, S0797 (2023)
Fuller, Jim, S0028 (2005)
Jortikka, Kari, S0924 (2022)
Martin, Ross, S0055 (2006)
Schaper, Stan, S0226 (2008)
Smith, Peter, S0717 (2024)
27 Runs
Miriklis, Michael, S1002 (2024)
26 Runs
Broberg, Robin, S0011 (2015)
Craik, David, S0884 (2024)
Elcock, Ken, S0022 (2003)
Morrison, Andrew, S1001 (2023)
Morrison, Keith, S0899 (2022)
Newnham, Ian, S0755 (2012)
Reid, Colin, S0931 (2024)
Standish, Raymond, S0151 (2013)
25 Runs
Bayley, Rod, S0612 (2021)
Blanchfield, Ray, S0008 (2002)
Carmichael, Robert, S0097 (2013)
Devonport, Lorraine, SF0017 (2013)
Field, Peter, S0321 (2013)
Hanley, Stan, S0038 (2002)
Hough, Ken, S0266 (2005)
Jones, Leo, S0044 (2002)
Lindsay, John, S0986 (2024)
Podreka, Vilim, S1052 (2024)
Raskas, John, S0142 (2012)
Silcock-Delaney, Colin, S0147 (2004)
Waite, John, S0158 (2004)
Wilson, Maureen, SF0034 (2022)
Wines, Judy, SF0006 (2014)
Wood, Maxim, S0087 (2002)
Yong, Eric, S0681 (2010)
24 Runs
Gerlach, Vern, S0033 (2001)
Glover, Brian, S0989 (2019)
Jonas, Pam, SF0009 (2010)
Penney, John, S0961 (2024)
Wheeler, Doug, S0602 (2021)
Zeleznikow, John, S0682 (2014)
Ziogos, Anne, SF0045 (2022)
23 Runs
Bartholomeusz, Mark, S0980 (2023)
Black, Peter, S1065 (2024)
Brown, Gerard, S0733 (2023)
Campbell, Chris, S1054 (2024)
Green, Philip, S1080 (2024)
Miller, Steve, S1111 (2024)
Muller, Glen, S0970 (2023)
O’Neill, Karyn, SF0033 (2018)
Pollard, Garry, S0065 (2000)
Russell, Gary, S1074 (2024)
Sturzaker, Jane, SF0052 (2023)
Thompson, Vicki, SF0010 (2021)
Yonemori, Mitsuo, S1148 (2024)
22 Runs
Brown, Rob, S0175 (2002)
Gilbert, Alan, S0995 (2018)
Grant, Phillip, S0118 (2002)
Hammond, Laurie, S0700 (2017)
Harty, Brenton, S1098 (2024)
Lees, Stanley, S0048 (1999)
Macaulay, Rob, S0477 (2006)
Matchett, Ken, S0215 (2005)
McGrath, Peter, S0130 (2001)
Morgan, George, S0785 (2014)
Skinner, Stewart, S1087 (2023)
Styles, Dave, S1017 (2023)
White, Kevin, S0845 (2015)
Worsnop, Christopher, S1009 (2023)
Zachariadis, John, S1077 (2024)
21 Runs
Byth, Simon, S1093 (2024)
Cook, Damien, S0017 (1998)
Fearn-wannan, Timothy, S1133 (2024)
Fickel, Bob, S0978 (2019)
FitzGerald, Peter, S1014 (2019)
Gubbins, Jim, S0119 (2005)
Kahlberg, Hilton, S0997 (2023)
Lay, Graeme, S1023 (2018)
Lennon, Chester, S1139 (2024)
Nunn, Jill, SF0056 (2024)
O’Toole, Simon, S0344 (2003)
Penrose, Murray, S0659 (2007)
Skipper, Mandy, SF0066 (2024)
Surridge, Gerry, S0154 (1999)
Symons, George, S0769 (2012)
Tully, Brian, S0156 (1999)
Virgona, Robert, S1120 (2024)
20 Runs
Black, Laurie, S0172 (1999)
Bombardieri, Cath, SF0068 (2023)
Bowden, Kuniko, SF0060 (2023)
Dale, Michael, S1121 (2024)
Dalgleish, Barbara, SF0005 (2000)
Dyer, George, S1140 (2024)
Farley, Alan, S0114 (1998)
Felton, Jack, S0456 (2003)
Fletcher, Robyn, SF0084 (2024)
Follett, Rob, S1152 (2024)
Hall, John, S0194 (2001)
Johnson, Russell, S0043 (1997)
Kewley, Douglas, S1482 (2016)
Leggett, Ronald, S0821 (2010)
Lord, Geoff, S0049 (1997)
Martin, Vin, S0478 (2005)
McCormick, Richard, S1149 (2024)
McRae, Chas, S0052 (1997)
McVean, Warren, S1150 (2024)
Mitchell, Peter, S0654 (2013)
Morris, John, S0217 (1999)
Nestor, Ngoh Ngoh, SF0072 (2024)
O’Connell, Phillip, S0928 (2011)
Patton, Paul, S0064 (1997)
Raus, Otmar, S1079 (2021)
Smith, David, S0073 (1997)
Stolz, Juerg, S0075 (1997)
Wenzlau, Chris, S0952 (2013)
Williams, Reg, S0161 (1998)
Wilson, Chris, S0606 (2010)
Wright, Greg, S1041 (2023)
19 Runs
Anderson, Garry, S0238 (2000)
Astill, Michael, S1190 (2024)
Bartholomew, Ashley, S0951 (2016)
Blake, Garry, S0614 (2015)
Blood, Marie, SF0012 (2018)
Camilleri, Vincent, S0094 (1999)
Cash, Terry, S0013 (1997)
Daffy, Tony, S0018 (1996)
Davis, John, S1056 (2012)
Fauvrelle, Karl, S0383 (2001)
Goldenberg, Pheidipides, S0742 (2024)
Gregory, Maurice, S0635 (2017)
Healey, Phillip, S1180 (2024)
Kerruish, Grahame, S0472 (2002)
Kuek, William, S0209 (1997)
Marsh, Kenneth, S0974 (2024)
Martin, Anthony, S0479 (2024)
Moodie, Roger, S0339 (2002)
Moore, Tom, S0163 (2017)
Murphy, Leigh, S1164 (2021)
Nelson, Peter, S0137 (1999)
Nicola, Jack, S0582 (2006)
Smith, Lester, S0984 (2015)
Stevens, Tony, S1161 (2024)
Tangey, Brian, S0421 (2006)
Tham, Michelle, SF0087 (2024)
Turner, Gavan, S0971 (2016)
White, Geoff, S0083 (1997)
Whitehouse, Michael, S0084 (1996)
Williams, Dale, S1169 (2024)
Wishart, Greg, S0162 (2003)
Zervos, Mike, S1174 (2024)
18 Runs
Bakaitis, Saul, S0168 (2003)
Bryar, Peter, S0439 (2003)
Burt, Ashley, S1125 (2024)
Cassell, Ian, S0014 (1995)
Chandley, Kevin, S0311 (2001)
Cheeseman, Graham, S0376 (2010)
Davies, Clive, S0105 (1998)
Evagora, Michael, S1188 (2024)
Gray, Harold, S0035 (1995)
Grelis, Jim, S0385 (2002)
Iliadis, Georgia, SF0085 (2023)
Kesarios, Michael, S1035 (2018)
KOFMAN, Paul, S1034 (2021)
Lewis, Debbie, SF0050 (2014)
McCarty, John, S0219 (2009)
McTaggart, Chris, S1167 (2024)
Meager, Alan, S1146 (2024)
Parsons, Jim, S1142 (2023)
Seal, Peter, S1218 (2024)
Smith, Gary, S0838 (2007)
Swaney, John, S0291 (2006)
Ward, Denis, S1189 (2023)
Young, Pamela, SF0093 (2024)
Zimmermann, Max, S1204 (2024)
17 Runs
Boyce, Robert, S1198 (2022)
Brockmuller, Ron, S1117 (2019)
Burt, Adrian, S1124 (2024)
Chester, Darren, S1231 (2024)
De Stefanis, Paul, S0694 (2019)
Donkin, Jack, S0804 (2006)
Douglas, Kenneth, S1095 (2019)
Edgar, Michael, S0975 (2013)
Faulkner, Rodney, S0023 (1994)
Fawcett, John, S0024 (1994)
Freeman, Peter, S0027 (1994)
Garner, Sue, SF0090 (2023)
Gibbs, Max, S0922 (2008)
Goutzoulas, John, S1247 (2024)
Heywood, Colin, S0815 (2024)
Horne, Brian, S1252 (2024)
Hunter, Neil, S0041 (1996)
Kondogonis, John, S1223 (2024)
McKeown, Cec, S0945 (1999)
Milne, Campbell, S0216 (1996)
Palermo, Frank, S1237 (2024)
Palmer, Greg, S0489 (2007)
Peterson, Steve, S0585 (2001)
Prestney, Andrew, S1147 (2023)
Rokahr, Darren, S0762 (2017)
Rosenberg, Barry, S1256 (2024)
Shone, Peter, S0228 (1997)
Smith, Brent, S1226 (2024)
Snowden, Garry, S0149 (1995)
Sproat, Geoffrey, S0352 (1999)
Struthers, Ian, S0152 (1995)
Styles, Keith, S0153 (1995)
Tsichrintzis, Theo, S0843 (2008)
Venables, Bruce, S1242 (2024)
Wheeldon, Peter, S1244 (2024)
Wiltshire, Graham, S1263 (2024)
Woolard, Adrian, S1216 (2024)
16 Runs
Astin, David, S0001 (1994)
Bailey, Donald, S1275 (2024)
Baines, Kester, S1021 (2022)
Baskcomb, Candida, SF0106 (2024)
Baulch, Robert, S0006 (1993)
Bechaz, Darryn, S0792 (2019)
Blom, David, S1274 (2024)
Bone, Syd, S1119 (2023)
Brennan, Burnie, S0092 (1995)
Buchanan, Alan, S1005 (2016)
Callaghan, Anne, SF0001 (1994)
Callaghan, Matt, S1269 (2024)
Chibnall, John, S0099 (1997)
Cilia, Raymond, S0377 (2016)
Cossens, Gary, S0101 (2008)
Crameri, John, S1057 (2012)
Cunningham, John, S0249 (2003)
Davey, Ray, S0380 (1998)
Daye, Jason, S1293 (2024)
Dimasi, Jim, S0252 (1999)
Duckworth, Steve, S0627 (2010)
Egan, Anthony, S1158 (2021)
Feery, Louise, SF0089 (2022)
Feldman, Elizabeth, SF0014 (2001)
Feldman, Peter, S0186 (1997)
Foster, Barry, S0697 (2012)
Fuller, Peter, S1025 (2024)
Fuller, Bradley, S1267 (2023)
Furlane, Frank, S0189 (1995)
Galea, David, S1042 (2024)
Grogan, Marty, S0192 (1995)
Gurvich, Daniel, S1004 (2015)
Harris, Steve, S1069 (2017)
Harrison, David, S1373 (2024)
Hart, Gerry, S0122 (2008)
Hollingsworth, Garry, S0124 (1994)
Jeffs, Ernie, S0042 (1993)
Jenkins, Richard, S0330 (2012)
Kingston, Paul, S1264 (2024)
Kirkman, Dick, S0046 (1993)
Kovess, Andrew, S0047 (1994)
Marshall, Adam, S1128 (2019)
McCormack, David, S0480 (2010)
McIntyre, Michael, S1016 (2012)
Mims, David, S0915 (2019)
Minogue, Des, S0484 (2004)
Mott, Andrew, S1278 (2024)
Murphy, Peter, S0218 (2009)
Nayyar, Anil, S1225 (2022)
Nicoll, Peter, S0223 (1995)
Noonan, Bill, S0341 (2010)
O’Connor, Damien, S1212 (2024)
Ohlenrott, Bruce, S0830 (2007)
Paine, Stephen, S1259 (2024)
Pupic, Frank, S1292 (2024)
Sanderson, Graeme, S0959 (2022)
Skahill, Bernie, S0229 (2009)
Smith, Ken, S1134 (2018)
Sonneveld, Stephen, S1068 (2019)
Spiller, John, S0074 (1993)
Stephens, Colleen, SF0021 (2011)
Thomas, Lance, S0955 (2024)
Ubl, Vac, S0157 (1994)
van der Heyde, Sid, S0507 (1999)
Vince, Peter, S0935 (2007)
Walker, Simon, S1214 (2023)
Wang, Yao, SF0101 (2023)
Waters, Robert, S0360 (1997)
Watts, Harry, S0428 (2005)
White, Gary, S0362 (2004)
Whiteoak, Mike, S0085 (2010)
Wilson, George, S0936 (2010)
Wood, Peter, S0296 (1995)
Zienau, Serena, SF0114 (2024)
15 Runs
Bannister, Pete, S0003 (1993)
Barratt, Kevin, S0435 (1999)
Bartlett, Richard, S0170 (2005)
Barton, Paul, S1186 (2019)
Bedford, Kathy, SF0062 (2015)
Bell, John, S0090 (1993)
Bishop, Peter, S0855 (2016)
Boyne, Ron, S0438 (2012)
Bradd, Les, S0010 (1992)
Branigan, Vincent, S0794 (2003)
Butler, Bret, S1176 (2021)
Campbell, William, S0373 (1998)
Carson, Ian, S0098 (1993)
Clancy, Des, S0312 (1998)
Dall, John, S0181 (1995)
Dean, Shayne, SF0031 (2007)
Distiller, Michael, S0999 (2009)
Dominick, Marshall, S0183 (1994)
Dunning, Robert, S0921 (2008)
Elterman, Julie, SF0013 (2003)
Embleton, Robert, S0889 (2008)
Emerson, Andrew, S0112 (2012)
Falkingham, Mark, S1334 (2024)
Fantozzi, Ruth, SF0104 (2023)
Farrington, Andrew, S1108 (2016)
Ferrucci-Nobile, Helen, SF0113 (2024)
Finlayson, Kim, S0912 (2019)
Fitzpatrick, Bill, S0457 (1999)
Galati, Lorenzo, S1184 (2019)
Gawne, Lynette, SF0019 (2000)
Gay, John, S0957 (2013)
Graham, Lee, S0809 (2008)
Hamilton, Roy, S0260 (1995)
Hamilton-Ritchie, Duncan, S0261 (1995)
Heffernan, Michael, S0263 (1995)
Herbert, Cynthia, SF0003 (1996)
Hewitt, Peter, S0328 (1996)
Hewitt, Adam, S1281 (2024)
Holt, Christine, SF0025 (2002)
Hutchinson, Murray, S0205 (1999)
Huysmans, Casey, S0392 (1998)
Jackson, William, S1294 (2018)
Jones, Pui-Shan, SF0124 (2024)
KACZKOWSKI, Juri, S1113 (2017)
Kelly, Merilyn, SF0026 (2005)
Krstonosic, Vanya, S1314 (2024)
Lilliss, Ted, S0644 (2000)
Lloyd, Owen, S0645 (2004)
Loucas, Harry, S0334 (1998)
Lynch, Michael, S0335 (1996)
Madigan, Bob, S0054 (1992)
Maher, John, S0273 (1995)
Martini, David, S1171 (2022)
Matthey, Geoffrey, S0134 (1993)
McGrath, John, S1122 (2019)
McIntosh, Greg, S1048 (2013)
McLay, David, S0221 (1994)
McSweeney, John, S0222 (1994)
Milburn, Harry, S0136 (1993)
Moses, Kevin, S0406 (1997)
O’Brien, Vin, S0139 (1993)
Padula, Grant, S1277 (2023)
Parsons, Russell, S0063 (1992)
Pelly, Daniel, S1220 (2021)
Power, Bob, S0760 (2002)
Richards, Rob, S0836 (2010)
Rinaldi, James, S1290 (2023)
Roberts, Catherine, SF0119 (2023)
Rosa, Domenic, S0416 (2016)
Sapkin, Robert, S0715 (2014)
Shanley, Terry, S0146 (1993)
Slater, Maria, SF0055 (2019)
Stephens, Mark, S0594 (2008)
Stewart, Phil, S0669 (2008)
Stokes, Douglas, S1028 (2015)
Taylor, Scott, S1091 (2017)
Taylor, Gary, S0673 (2019)
Thompson, John, S0854 (2004)
Trevaskis, Steven, S1197 (2018)
Trist, John, S0842 (2003)
Verhagen, Henk, S1092 (2016)
Vincent, Meta, SF0095 (2024)
Visser, Jeff, S0597 (1999)
Vlahandreas, Dimitrious, S0294 (1995)
Walch, Bill, S0508 (2003)
Wals, Sarah, SF0128 (2024)
Want, Merle, SF0099 (2024)
Watson, Chris, S1030 (2012)
Wheatley, Michael, S1384 (2019)
Whiteford, Doug, S1234 (2023)
Wilson, Shaun, S1324 (2024)
Woodhart, Graham, S0234 (1994)
Young, Ron, S0364 (1997)
Zhou, David, S1332 (2024)