Club Run, 22 September 2024

Grant Padula, David Foskey, Steven Lightowler, John Dobson, Hamish Blair, Vicky Chung, Yao Wang, Deb Christie, Candida Baskcomb Greg Payne, Jay Fleming (obscured), Pamela Young, Justin Hansen, Frankie Palermo, Barry Smith, Vilim Podreka, Kai Ooi, David Martini, Frank Pupic, Gavin Criddle, Wayne Thompson

Missing from photo Pete Battrick, Anne Ziogos

Legend Wayne Thompson made his first appearance for a while, and Barry Smith came for the first time

Deb Christie, Barry Smith

Nev Gardner, Steven Lightowler

David Martini and Frank Pupic

Ian Gainey, Peter Battrick and Wayne Thompson

David Foskey, John Dobson, Wayne Thompson and Ian Gainey

Vilim Podreka

Club Run, 25 August 2024

On a day on which our club run had a lot of competition (Shepparton, Sandy Point, Adelaide) as well as a forecast of wild weather, a select group met at the Tan.

We introduced a new merchandise item – Spartan cookies at the absolute bargain price of $6 each!

Candida Baskcomb demonstrating the versatility of Spartan cookies.

Next Club Run, September 22 2024

Join President Jay Fleming and committee members to run around the Tan on Sunday September 22, 2024. Spartans old and new, potential Spartans, friends and family are all welcome. We will meet outside the Observatory, Birdwood Avenue at 8am and run/jog/walk a lap or two of the Tan. We will run clockwise (up Anderson St hill) so if you arrive late, run in the other direction and you should meet up with a group. After the run, we will have some refreshments at Jardin Tan.

Club Run, 28 July 2024

On a cold and windy Winter’s morning, 18 Spartans arrived at the Tan. The rain stopped briefly for the photograph, but resumed sporadically through the morning. We were joined by Sally Beggs who is running her tenth in 2024 and John from Ballarat who was revealed as John Davis.

Vilim Podreka, Peter Seal, Cameron Stamp, John Davis, Yao Wang, Sally Beggs (partially obscured), Hamish Blair, Paul Basile with Josh, Felicity Doolan (it was the first day of the Olympics), Pamela Young, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Kai Ooi, Vanessa Young, David Foskey, Gavin Criddle, John Kaparelis.
Ian Gainey joined after the run.

Above: Setting off
Left: Jay Fleming talking with John Davis

Cameron Stamp, Hamish Blair with Fraser

Vilim Podreka and Yao Wang

Vanessa Young and Sally Beggs

Paul Basile and Kai Ooi

At the conclusion of our runs, we set off to Jardin Tan for our customary coffee and snacks. Alas, it was shut! Admittedly, it was 8:45am and no-one else was there.

So, we adjourned to Domain Road, and increased patronage by 100% and noise by 275% at the closest cafe.

Club Run, 23 June 2024

About 25 Spartans and a couple of guests met for a run on a crisp (3 degrees Celsius is crisp, OK) Sunday morning. Ideal running weather, and as the sun came out, not much warmer but most of us stayed around for at least a little while. Jay welcomed Maria Slater and Tony Niemann for their first runs with us.

A few of us wore Spartan buffs to reduce the discomfort of the chilly conditions.

Vicky Chung, Hamish Blair, Kai Ooi, Juan (visitor), Ian Gainey (front), Vilim Podreka, Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, Gavin Criddle, Yao Wang, Matthew Arms, Greg Payne, Jay Fleming, Vanessa Young, Andrew Barlow, Felicity Doolan, Justin Hansen, Shane Draper, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Tony Niemann, Peter Seal, Mike Astill, David Foskey, John Kaparelis, Maria Slater
Not in photo: Deborah Christie, Francis Kaszmarek, photographer Matt Callaghan

What could they be talking about? David Foskey and president Jay Fleming.
Yee Vien Ng (six MMs) showing Jay Fleming her Comrades medals (2022 and 2023)

Club Run, 26 May 2024

More than 20 Spartans and a couple of guests met for a run on a crisp Sunday morning. Ideal running weather, and as the sun came out, good for sitting chatting.

The Melbourne City Council managed to dampen the morning a little with the revelation that parking is no longer free – see the photograph of the signs below.

Simon Iskenderian, Felicity Doolan, Hamish Blair, Jon Strachan, John Dobson, Donald Bailey, Yao Wang, Stephen Barker, Jane Sturzaker, Gavin Criddle, Justin Hansen, Jay Fleming, Kimbra Stanfield, Maureen Wilson, Holly, Vilim Podreka, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Ian Gainey, Rose Parente, Peter Seal, Frank Pupic, David Foskey
Not in photo: Francis Kaszmarek, Greg Payne
Above, Francis Kaszmarek, Jay Fleming and Ian Gainey

At right, Stephen Barker and Jane Sturzaker

Above, Pamela Young’s tattoo of her Spartan Number.

At right, this requires no explanation.

Club Run, 28 April 2024

Cameron Stamp, Matt Callaghan, Grant Padula, Daniel Barlow, Andrew Barlow, Pamela Young, Michael Astill, Alan Green, Greg Payne, Unknown (from Ballarat), Kristy Myers, Vilim Podreka, Jason Hyde, Sam Hilditch, Felicity Doolan

Club Run, 24 March 2024

Around 20 Spartans met to run a lap or two around the Tan in ideal conditions apart from some noise coming from the Albert Park direction.

Sinesh Panamthanath Murali, Peter Seal, Simon Iskenderian, Gavin Criddle, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Jay Fleming, Jane Sturzaker, Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, Merle Want, Greg Payne, Grant Padula, Justin Hansen, Kai, Ooi, Hamish Blair (and Fraser), Vilim Podreka, Yao Wang, David Foskey.
Missing from Photo: Pete Battrick, Francis Kaszmarek, Vanessa Young

Setting Off!

Francis Kaszmarek and Grant Padula

Vanessa Young, Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, Pamela Young and Candida Baskcomb

Club Run, 25 February 2024

About 23 Spartans met to run a lap or two around the Tan in ideal conditions, before the temperature rose. Some even came just for coffee!

Sinesh Panamthanath Murali, Yao Wang, Felicity Doolan, Daniel Barlow, Jay Fleming, Andrew Barlow, Pamela Young, Mike Astill, Candida Baskcomb, Kimbra Stansfield, Gavin Criddle, Unknown, Jon Strachan, Duncan Bartley, Robert (9th MM this year!), Michael Soutter, David Foskey.
Missing from Photo: Vicki Chung, Sam Hilditch, Francis Kaszmarek, Greg Payne, Anne Ziogos

Start Watches!

Club Run, 28 January 2024

About 25 Spartans joined together to run a lap or two around the Tan in ideal conditions.

John Kaparelis, Felicity Doolan, Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, John Dean, Cameron Stamp, Vanessa Young, Gavin Criddle, Daniel Barlow (partially obscured), Candida Baskcomb (front), Andrew Barlow, Pamela Young, Merle Want, Peter Walsh, Vilim Podreka, Jane Sturzaker, Milan Stanisic, Frankie Palermo, Greg Payne, Simon Iskenderian, Jeremy Dusic, Stephen Barker, Kai Ooi, Jon Strachan, Frank Pupic. Kneeling: David Foskey, Jay Fleming.
Missing from photo: Nev Gardner. Photographer: Matt Callaghan.

Nev Gardner, Vanessa Young, Frankie Palermo, Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, Simon Iskenderian.

After the run.
Thanks to John Kaparelis and Jay Fleming for additional photographs.

Christmas Club Run, 10 December

The December Club Run was brought forward by two weeks enabling some of the 23 attendees to dress up.

Standing: David Foskey, Stephen Barker, Peter Walsh, Vilim Podreka, Vanessa Young, Matt Callaghan, John Dobson, Greg Payne, Peter Seal (obscured), Gavin Criddle, Jay Fleming, Felicity Doolan, Grant Padula, Rod Bayley,Paul Basile, Nev Gardner, Cameron Stamp, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Hamish Blair. Kneeling Yao Wang
Not in Photo: Sam Hilditch, Pete Battrick. Photographer: Helen Foskey.

John Dobson, Paul Basile, Jay Fleming, Rod Bayley

Candida Baskcomb and Hamish Blair with Hamish’s huskies, Polar and Fraser

Felicity Doolan preparing the gingerbread house, watched by Paul Basile and Gavin Criddle

Gavin Criddle, Cameron Stamp, Stephen Barker, Peter Walsh, Yao Wang, Hamish Blair, Sam Hilditch

Pete Battrick

Rod Bayley

Club Run, 26 November

More than 20 Spartans defied the showers of late Spring to meet at the Tan.

Hamish Blair, David Foskey, Rose Parente, Peter Seal, Sinesh Panamthanath-Murali, Vanessa Young, John Dobson, Grant Padula, Pamela Young, Felicity Doolan, Jim Hopkins, Gavin Criddle, Cameron Stamp, Yao Wang, Kai Ooi, Candida Baskcomb, Peter Logan, Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic, Stephen Barker
Missing from photo: Helen Ferrucci-Nobile, Nev Gardner, Francis Kaszmarek
Photographer: Lucy Padula

Starting Off!

Above, apparently it was Kai Ooi’s birthday!

At left, Rose Parente (Chicago) and Peter Seal (Berlin) showing off their medals

Club Run, 22 October

Only a week after the marathon, and a morning that threatened rain, saw more than 20 intrepid Spartans at the Tan.

Frank Pupic, Vanessa Young, Deborah Christie, Cameron Stamp, Grant Padula, Vilim Podreka, Jay Fleming, Nev Gardner, Gavin Criddle, Yao Wang, Greg Payne, Candida Baskcomb, Frankie Palermo, Peter Seal, Jeremy Dusi, Jane Sturzaker, Merle Want, Matthew Lau, Stephen Barker, David Foskey
Missing from photo: Peter Battrick, Francis Kaszmarek

We discovered this morning that it isn’t necessary to sit at the open-air tables, but there is a glass walled pavilion with plenty of tables just around the corner.
Above, a view along the table showing part of the group that enjoyed a chat and a coffee.

At right, three wise men: Peter Battrick, Jay Fleming and Nev Gardner.

Club Run, 24 September

Another beautiful morning and a high 20s attendance. A few new singlets were evident, congratulations!

It was pleasing to see that a number of new faces were present.

Grant Padula, Hamish Blair, Sinesh Panamthanath-Murali, Cameron Stamp, Unknown2, Deborah Christie, Jay Fleming, Ian Gainey (in front), Stephen Barker, Unknown4, Daniel Barlow, Unknown6, Andrew Barlow, Vilim Podreka, Greg Payne (head turned), Gavin Criddle, Kai Ooi, Justin Hansen, Yao Wang (in front), Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Unknown7, Jeremy Dusi, Donald Bailey, Jon Strachan, Frank Pupic.
Your humble correspondent was not present at this run, so must apologise for the number of unknowns.

Club Run, 27 August

A good turnout on a beautiful morning for running. We also saw Spartans in some of the MM training groups that went past. John Davis from Ballarat (19 MMs) was welcomed to his first club run.

Jon Strachan was fresh from winning the 70km Berry Long Run along the Lerderderg Trail starting and finishing at Blackwood.

Gavin Criddle, Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic, Felicity Doolan, Yao Wang, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Matthew Arms, Daniel Barlow, Grant Padula, Andrew Barlow, John Davis (partially obscured), Alan Green, Jay Fleming, Milan Stanisic, David Foskey, Kai Ooi, Donald Bailey, Jon Strachan, Jeremy Dusi, Hamish Blair (with Fraser and Polar)

David Foskey with Neville Gardner. Nev has had some medical issues in recent times which he is meeting with characteristic resilience.

Milan Stanisic and Alan Green on the track.

Yao Wang, Nakita Podreka, Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic, Steven Lightowler.

Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young

Club Run, 23 July

Hamish Blair, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Felicity Doolan, Kai Ooi, Daniel Barlow, Grant Padula, Andrew Barlow, Greg Payne, Jane Sturzaker, Merle Want, Jay Fleming, Milan Stanisic, Stephen Barker, Gavin Criddle, Yao Wang, Cameron Stamp, Vilim Podreka, Peter Seal
Missing from photo: Trevor Smith, Francis Kaszmarek

Trevor Smith showing his Spartan tattoo and his Comrades tattoo. Trevor, S1453, has run ten Melbournes and this year completed his third Comrades.

Club Run, 25 June

It might have been the start of school holidays or the number of Spartans overseas that caused low numbers on the 25th. Or, it might have been the low temperature and biting wind!

Gavin Criddle, Yao Wang, Hamish Blair, Peter Logan, Jon Strachan, Corey Elms, Jay Fleming, Herb Postlethwaite, Milan Stanisic, Frank Pupic, Pamela Young, Sinesh Panamthanath-Murali, Simon Iskenderian
Missing from Photo: Sam Hilditch, Yee Vien Ng

Sam Hilditch S201 ran 10 Melbourne Marathons between 1978 and 1989, including 2:57:41 in 1982. The T-shirt he is wearing was presented to all finishers after the 1978 event.

Yee Vien Ng has run five MMs so is a little way from Spartan status. However, she did finish the 2023 Comrades and brought her medal.

Club Run, 28 May

“It never rains on Club Runs” has been the rule, but this run was an exception. However, the steady drizzle did not prevent around 20 stalwarts from running around a comparatively deserted Tan Track. In fact, a check of this page reveals that the last time a run was interrupted by rain was the 4th of May, 2014!

Felicity Doolan, Greg Payne, Peter Logan, Donald Bailey, Jon Strachan, Hamish Blair, Simon Iskenderian, Frank Pupic, Vilim Podreka, Yao Wang, Jay Fleming, Grant Padula, Kai Ooi, Kimbra Stanfield, Candida Baskcomb, Daniel Barlow (partially obscured), Andrew Barlow, Ian Gainey, Cameron Stamp, David Foskey.
Missing from photo: Steven Lightowler

Club Run, 23 April

A group of more than 20 Spartans and potential Spartans gathered at 8am on a morning ideal for running. A number had already warmed up by running one or two laps prior to the group start.

Matt Callaghan, John Kaparelis, Daniel Barlow, David Foskey, Andrew Barlow, Brian Walsh, Corey Elms, Greg Payne, Simon Iskenderian, Hamish Blair, Candida Baskcomb, Jay Fleming, Yao Wang, Gavin Criddle, Vilim Podreka, Pamela Young, Peter Seal, Milan Stanisic, Frank Pupic, Kai Ooi. Missing from photo: Carolyn Lau

Carolyn Lau

David Foskey and Brian Walsh.
Brian has been a “Sunday run” stalwart, so it was good to see him here after a little time.

Corey Elms.

Greg Payne

Hamish Blair and Milan Stanisic

Matt Callaghan.

Vilim Podreka

Jay Fleming

Yao Wang, displaying the red bean paste given to Tokyo marathon runners.

Gavin Criddle

Kai Ooi

Frank Pupic.

Daniel Barlow, Jay Fleming and Andrew Barlow. Andrew will be running his tenth Melbourne in 2023.

Final version of Candida Baskcomb’s tattoo.
(See previous run report for the initial version.)

Photo Credits: Group – Kai Ooi, everything else – John Kaparelis

Club Run, 26 March

A group of more than 20 Spartans gathered at 8am on a morning ideal for running. A number had already warmed up by running one or two laps prior to the group start.

Gary Taylor (S0673) was a first time attendee. Despite being a 15 year Spartan, and a resident of Greater Melbourne, Gary’s three laps on this morning were the first he has ever run around the Tan. He also set a PB.

Standing: Frank Pupic, Stephen Barker, Jon Strachan, Yao Wang, Vilim Podreka, Jane Sturzaker, Grant Padula, Unknown, Merle Want, Milan Stanisic, Simon Iskenderian, John Dobson, Greg Payne, Paul Delaney, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Gary Taylor, Jay Fleming, Ian Gainey, John Kaparelis, Matt Callaghan. Kneeling: David Foskey, Kai Ooi.

Molly modelling a buff. We now have supplies of buffs available just in time for the colder conditions coming.
At right, Candida Baskcomb showed the first stages of her tattoo. She says “Next time, he will look as if he has been down to the gym”.

Club Run, 26 February

David Foskey, John Kaparelis, David Blom, Simon Iskanderian, Simon O’Regan, Milan Stanisic, Matt Callaghan, Jay Fleming, Cameron Stamp, Grant Padula, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Paul Delaney, Yao Wang, Michael Astill, Frank Palermo, Justin Hansen, Peter Seal, Vilim Podreka, Michael Soutter.
Missing from photo: Donald Bailey, Jon Strachan.

And, they’re off!

Above: Jay Fleming, Peter Seal, Nakita Podreka and Vilim Podreka
At right: Michael Soutter celebrated joining the Spartan ranks with this tattoo, a week old!

Club Run Sunday January 22, 2023

More than 25 runners congregated at the Tan for a few laps under pleasant conditions.

Sinesh Panamthanath-Murali, David Foskey, Hamish Blair, John Dobson, Jon Strachan, Adam Marshall, Grant Padula, Simon O’Regan, Jeremy, Donald Bailey, Kai Ooi, Yao Wang, Frank Palermo, Pamela Young, Gavin Criddle, Candida Baskcomb, Jay Fleming, Rose Parente, Peter Seal, Milan Stanisic, Matt Callaghan, Peter Logan, Cameron Stamp

Frankie Palermo finishing a fast lap.

Frank Pupic leading the pack.

Doing business!
Peter Seal, President Jay Fleming and Committee member Kai Ooi.

Club Run, November 27

David Foskey, Cameron Stamp, Anubhav Tewari, Gavin Criddle, Milan Stanisic, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Peter Seal, Frank Palermo, Michael Miriklis, Paul Delaney, Jon Strachan, Donald Bailey.
Missing from Photo: Simon Iskenderian, Simon O’Regan.     Photographer: Helen Foskey.

Club Run, October 23

Kai Ooi, John Kaparelis, Milan Stanisic, David Foskey, Grant Padula, Mike Astill, Jane Sturzaker, Hamish Blair, Yao Wang, Pamela Young, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Vilim Podreka, Paul Delaney, Frank Pupic, Gavin Criddle. Photographer: Matt Callaghan

(Above) Setting off.

(At right) Vilim Podreka injured his achilles tendon playing indoor soccer a few days after the marathon. Grant Padula is commiserating, and Mike Astill is in the background.

This collage was created from photos taken by John Kaparelis as he walked the Tan.
Candida Baskcomb, David Foskey, Frank Pupic, Gavin Criddle, Grant Padula and Yao Wang, Jane Sturzaker and Jay Fleming, Mike Astill and Kai Ooi, Matt Callaghan, Milan Stanisic, Pamela Young, Paul Delaney.

Club Run Sunday September 25

One week before the 2022 Melbourne Marathon, and a day after the 2022 AFL Grand Final we had more than twenty Spartans at the Tan on a glorious Spring day.

David Foskey, Sinesh Panamthanath Murali, Vilim Podreka, Herb Postlethwaite, Grant Padula, Cameron Stamp, Greg Payne, Kai Ooi, Kimbra Stanfield, Stephen Barker, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Yao Wang, Justin Hansen, Frankie Palermo, Peter Walsh, Gavin Criddle, Milan Stanisic, Donald Bailey

Setting off.

Peter Seal, explaining Geelong’s glorious victory

Kimbra Stanfield, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young and Yao Wang

Rear: Grant Padula, Frankie Palermo, Peter Walsh, Gavin Criddle, Vilim Podreka, Cameron Stamp, Kai Ooi, Donald Bailey.
Front: Kimbra Stanfield, CandidaBaskcomb, Pamela Young, Yao Wang

Club Run Sunday August 28

Kai Ooi, John Kaparelis, David Foskey, Cameron Stamp, Michael Astill, Vilim Podreka, Andrea Lung, Grant Padula, Milan Stanisic, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Justin Hansen, Gavin Criddle, Ian Gainey, Herb Postlethwaite
Missing from Photo: Frank Pupic, Peter Walsh

Two photos of the group setting off.

Two runners in the group in the photo at right might just have gone to Domain Road for a sneaky coffee.

Grant Padula, John Kaparelis

Peter Walsh, Maria Hedges, Ian Gainey

David Foskey, Kai Ooi, Herb Postlethwaite, Milan Stanisic

Frank Pupic, Andrea Lung, Vilim Podreka

Club Run Sunday July 31

A group of 21 Spartans assembled on a Sunday morning that was a little cold and windy but without the forecast rain. As is now becoming customary, a number of members ran one or two laps before assembling at 8:00 am for the obligatory group photo.

David Foskey, David Zhou, Cameron Stamp, Herb Postlethwaite, Kai Ooi, Milan Stanisic, Shane Draper, Grant Padula, Frank Pupic, Mike Zervos, Yao Wang, Vilim Podreka, John Dean, Jay Fleming, Pamela Young, Peter Seal, Gavin Criddle, Candida Baskcomb, Stephen Barker, Matt Callaghan, John Kaparelis

Herb Postlethwaite and Milan Stanisic; Yao Wang, Grant Padula and Matt Callaghan; Stephen Barker and David Foskey

Candida Baskcomb, David Foskey, John Kaparelis, Jay Fleming, Cameron Stamp

And we’ve started!

Rugged up again

Frank Pupic; John Dean; Kai Ooi; Shane and Andrea Draper; Mike Zervos; Vilim Podreka
Photo credits: Kai Ooi, John Kaparelis, Candida Baskcomb, Grant Padula, Andrea Draper, David Foskey

Club Run Sunday June 26, 2022

On a lovely crisp Sunday morning we managed to run and consume coffee before the heavens opened. Several members started early, with Yao Wang managing to clock up 17.5 km for her morning.

Paul Basile, David Zhou, Kai Ooi, Simon Iskenderian, Frank Pupic, Cameron Stamp, Vilim Podreka, Hamish Blair, Yao Wang, Herb Postlethwaite, Alan Green, David Foskey, Milan Stanisic, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Shane Draper, Brian Walsh, Gavin Criddle, John Zeleznikow, Anne Ziogos
Missing from Photograph: Peter Seal, Peter Walsh, Steven Lightowler

Anne Ziogos, Jay Fleming, Steven Lightowler

Cameron Stamp, Peter Walsh, Pamela Young
Peter ran his first Melbourne in 1978 and is planning to run his tenth in 2022!

Candida Baskcomb, Gavin Criddle
Yao Wang is in the background, as are Kai Ooi and Frank Pupic both partially obscured.

Geoff Sloan was on holiday in Italy, but did send this photo …

Club Run Sunday May 22, 2022

15 Spartans made their way to the Tan the morning after the 2022 Federal election. It was pleasing to see that five female Spartans attended, perhaps a record high. Geoff Sloan came for the first time, and it was very good to see Legend Wayne Thompson.

Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Kai Ooi, Kimbra Stanfield, Geoff Sloan, Simon Iskenderian, Matt Callaghan, Yao Wang, Vilim Podreka, Andrea Lung, Wayne Thompson, Grant Padula, Hamish Blair, Milan Stanisic, David Foskey

Captured finishing a lap: Hamish Blair, Geoff Sloan, Yao Wang, Kai Ooi and Milan Stanisic

Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young and Wayne Thompson

Nakita Podreka, Vilim Podreka, Grant Padula and Milan Stanisic.

Kimbra Standfield, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young.
Note that Pamela and Candida are wearing long sleeved T-shirts.

Kai Ooi, Andrea Lung and Matt Callaghan.

Club Run Sunday April 24, 2022

On another lovely morning 13 Spartans met for a Club Run.

Kai Ooi, David Foskey, Grant Padula, Jay Fleming, Jane Sturzaker, Cameron Stamp, Yao Wang, Vilim Podreka, Andrea Lung, Pamela Young, Gavin Criddle, Milan Stanisic.
Missing from Photo: Peter Seal

Club Run Sunday March 27, 2022

On another lovely morning 21 Spartans met for a Club Run. We were joined for the first time by Paul Delaney who has spent a two years in England thanks to Covid restrictions. Paul De Stefanis didn’t come from quite so far, but it was also the first time for him to be mentioned on this page. Ray Cilia made the trip from Shepparton after a gap of several years.

Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic, John Kaparelis, Stephen Barker, Vicky Chung, Grant Padula, Yao Wang, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Andrea Lung, Paul De Stefanis, Ray Cilia, Jay Fleming, Ken Miller, Milan Stanisic, David Foskey, Paul Delaney, Hamish Blair, Herb Postlethwaite, Jon Strachan, Kai Ooi.

And, they’re off!

David Foskey, John Kaparelis, Ray Cilia, Jay Fleming

Paul Delaney (S1306) demonstrating his commitment!

Thanks to John Kaparelis and Kai Ooi for photographs.

Club Run Sunday February 27, 2022

At 8am on a humid Sunday morning a record 34 Spartans met at The Tan. Some had already run one or even multiple laps. As usual, we set off together but soon broke up into smaller groups at varying paces. Afterwards, many filtered back to Jardin Tan for a coffee and a snack generously provided by President Jay Fleming.

Back Row: Unknown, Matt Arms, Vilim Podreka, Cameron Stamp, John Kaparelis, Herb Postlethwaite, Grayson Summers, Jim Hopkins, Paul Basile, Peter Ryan, John Dobson, Jane Sturzaker, Gavin Criddle, Merle Want, Unknown 1, Pamela Young, Frank Biviano, John Dean, Frank Palermo, Alan Green, Milan Stanisic, Anne Ziogos
Front Row: David Foskey, Jon Strachan, Hamish Blair, Grant Padula, Andrea Lung, Yao Wang, Justin Hansen, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Simon Iskenderian, Kai Ooi
Photographer: Matt Callaghan

Frank Palermo, Grayson Summers, Pamela Young, Herb Postlethwaite, John Dean

Matt Callaghan, Cameron Stamp and Grant Padula

Grayson Summers, Jay Fleming, Jim Hopkins and John Dobson

Andrea Lung and Anne Ziogos

Candida Baskcomb and Pamela Young

Club Run January 23, 2022

On another very pleasant Sunday morning we had 20 plus Spartans run a lap or two of The Tan, and most went back to Jardin Tan for a drink afterwards. It was good to see a few members there for the first time.

Frank Pupic, Cameron Stamp, Matt Callaghan, Milan Stanisic, Andrea Lung, Matt Arms, Tewari Jnr, Anubhav Tewari, David Foskey, John Kaparelis, John Dean, Jay Fleming, Yao Wang, Anna Barlow, Pamela Young, Chris O’Brien, Kimbra Stanfield, Candida Baskcomb, Peter Logan, Clive Davies, Gary Morris, Kai Ooi

John Dean, Matt Callaghan, Clive Davies, Peter Logan and Pamela Young.

Peter Logan, Anna Barlow and Andrea Lung. Both Andrea and Anna ran their tenth Melbourne in 2021.

Everyone having finished their laps, it’s coffee and chat time.

Club Run November 28, 2021

On a very pleasant Sunday morning we had a record 28 Spartans run a lap or two of The Tan, and most went back to Jardin Tan for a drink afterwards. It was good to see a few members there for the first time. We also had a couple of incoming Spartans who have shared their running stories in recent newsletters: Matt Arms (page 6) and Hamish Blair (page 3).

Back Row: Jon Strachan, Michael Dale, Donald Bailey, Hamish Blair, Dan Pelly, Unknown 3, Matthew Arms, Milan Stanisic, Paul Basile, John Dobson, Hugh Creamer, Stephen Barker, Brian Walsh, Pamela Young, Peter Seal, Nev Gardner, Rod Bayley, Vilim Podreka, Yao Wang (in front of Vilim), Garry Morris, Bryan Flegg, Ken Miller, Frank Pupic.
Kneeling: Kai Ooi, David Foskey, Frank Palermo, Justin Hansen.
Missed photo: Grant Padula, Gavin Criddle

Club Run October 24, 2021

Kai Ooi, Milan Stanisic, Ian Gainey, Frank Pupic, Nev Gardner, Jay Fleming, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Peter Seal, Gavin Criddle, Yao Wang

Club Run, Sunday June 27, 2021

On a crisp Melbourne morning, five days after the shortest day of the year, we had approximately 20 Spartans meet to run around the Tan. Some members chose to run a warm-up lap before the main group set off just after 8:00am for one or two laps. President Jay Fleming asked all members to sign-in, either by scanning our QR code, or by signing a register.

Frank Pupic, Vilim Podreka, Chris Worsnop, Matt Callaghan, Andrew Mott, Brian Walsh, Bryan Flegg, Peter Smith, Milan Stanisic, John Dobson, Peter Seal.
Front, Kai Ooi, Yao Wang, Justin Hansen, Jay Fleming, Brenda Hutchinson, Ian Gainey
Missing from photograph: David Foskey, Gavin Criddle

Chris Worsnop and Brian Walsh

John Dobson making a point

Part of the group, having a coffee, after the run. Matt Callaghan and Gavin Criddle are in the foreground.

Club Run, Sunday May 23, 2021

Eighteen members met for the third run of 2021 on a crisp morning. It was pleasing to see some members present for the first time as well as a good proportion of regular participants.

David Foskey, Kai Ooi (partially obscured), Peter Logan, Grant Padula, Paul Basile (partially obscured), Simom Iskenderian, Ian Gainey, Matt Callaghan, Yao Wang, Justin Hansen, Gavin Criddle, John Kaparelis, John Dean, Michael Whiteoak. Nev Gardner, Cameron Stamp, Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic.
Thanks to Jane for taking the photograph, and talking (most of) us into kicking our legs.

Nev Gardner, Michael Whiteoak, Simon Iskenderian, Peter Logan

Yao Wang, Peter Logan

Club Run, Sunday March 28, 2021

Fourteen members met for the second run of the year.

David Foskey, Frank Pupic, Robyn Fletcher, John Kaparelis, Vilim Podreka, Matt Callaghan, Jay Fleming, John Dean, Milan Stanisic, Gavin Criddle, Ian Gainey, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb. Peter Seal joined us later.
One of my (David Foskey) aims for this run was to take a few group shots of our members running on beautiful sections of the track. As members ran past me, they smiled and waved. Alas, the quality of photographs did not match the superb posing of runners. Perhaps next time I should read page 2 of the manual.

Ian Gainey at speed on the road.

Peter Seal, Vilim Podreka, Frank Pupic, Robyn Fletcher.

Pamela Young and Candida Baskcomb

From left and going clockwise, Peter Seal (hands to head), Vilim Podreka, Ian Gainey, Frank Pupic, Matt Callaghan, Milan Stanisic, David Foskey, Pamela Young, Jay Fleming, Gavin Criddle, John Dean.

First 2021 Club Run, Sunday February 28

We had a relatively small attendance at our first club run for 2021. A pity, because conditions were absolutely ideal.

Thanks to Kai Ooi we have our very first action videos. (Warning, these are large files!) See Rod Bayley here or Kimbra Stanfield, Candida Baskcomb and Pamela Young here.

Standing: Kai Ooi, Rod Bayley, Paul Basile, Ken Miller, Nev Gardner, Frank Biviano, Pamela Young, Kimbra Stanfield, Peter Ryan.
Front (kneeling): Milan Stanisic, David Foskey, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb

See Rod Bayley running.

President Jay Fleming in discussion with Vice-President Paul Basile

Kai Ooi, Frank Biviano, Milan Stanisic around a table at Jardin Tan

Pete Battrick and Nev Gardner.
Doubtless discussing Richmond v Carlton

Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Kimbra Stanfield

Club Get-Together December 20, 2020

There was a Spartans Christmas get-together at Ferdinando Gardens in Hampton on Sunday December 20.

Vicky Chung (partial), Paul Basile, Colin Silcock-Delaney, Josh Basile (seated), Kelly Basile, John Kaparelis, Jay Fleming.

Kelly Basile, John Kaparelis.

David Foskey, John Dean, Steven Lightowler.

Jay Fleming, Josh Basile, Paul Basile.

Club Run, Sunday November 22, 2020

It is always pleasing to welcome members who have not joined us before and there were new faces at this run. Afterwards, President Jay Fleming organised drinks from Jardin Tan.

From front left: Peter Seal, Cameron Stamp, John Zeleznikow, Pamela Young, Nev Gardner, John Dobson, Justin Hansen, Chris Worsnop, John Dean, John Kaparelis, Jay Fleming, Rod Bayley, Kimbra Stanfield, Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh, Kai Ooi (crouching), Ken Miller, Stephen Barker. Front (kneeling): Gavin Criddle, David Foskey

John Kaparelis, Steven Lightowler, Jay Fleming, Kimbra Stanfield, Kai Ooi, Nev Gardner.

Pete Battrick, Cameron Stamp, John Zeleznikow, Francis Kaszmarek.
That’s a 1.5 metre tape measure between John and Francis.

Setting off, already considerable distance between first and last.

Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh and John Dean

Nev Gardner and David Foskey practising synchronised running.

Club Run, Sunday May 31, 2020

It was with considerable trepidation that this run was organised: would anyone turn up at all given the ramifications of Covid-19?

We were delighted that more than 20 Spartans, including some we hadn’t seen before, met to run a variable number of laps, and then adjourned to Jardin Tan for a stand-up coffee. The Committee is determined to find a more efficient method of organising the ordering of coffees, but we think everyone was eventually served. The last Spartans left some time after 11am, perhaps because they’d parked in a 3 hour zone!

Back: Daniel Pelly, Milan Stanisic, Grayson Summers, Cameron Stamp, Shane Draper, John Kaparelis, John Dobson, Siobhan, Brenda Hutchinson, Merle Want, Kai OOi, Jane Sturzaker, John Dean, Stephen Barker, Brian Walsh, Bryan Flegg. Front: Ian Gainey, David Foskey, Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, Gavin Criddle. Missing for photograph: Peter Seal

John Dobson warmed up with two laps before joining the group.

Jane Sturzaker and Merle Want also ran warm-up laps.

John Kaparelis, Merle Want, Jane Sturzaker, Jay Fleming

Daniel Pelly, John Kaparelis, Kai Ooi.

Grayson Summers, John Dobson, Gavin Criddle.

Candida Baskcomb, Peter Seal and wife

After run at Jardin Tan

Club Run, Sunday 15 March, 2020 at the Tan

17 Spartans met for a lap or three of the Tan on the scheduled day for the 2020 Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix,.

Back: Rose Parente, Pamela Young, Peter Seal, Frankie Palermo, Cameron Stamp, Gavin Criddle, John Dean, Rod Bayley, John Kaparelis, Frank Pupic, Bryan Flegg, Carlo Iovenitti Front:Candida Baskcomb, Frank Biviano, Jay Fleming, David Foskey Missing for photograph: Justin Hansen

This photo shows some of the attendees (Justin Hansen at the head of the table) half way through eating the delicacies provided by John Kaparelis and Jay Fleming.
One feature of the varied discussions around the table was that members came up with a number of suggestions that will be considered very seriously at the next meeting of the committee.

Another view of the group. (This image provided by Gavin Criddle.)

Frank Biviano, Bryan Flegg, Frank Pupic, Carlo Iovenitti.

Jardin Tan is normally crowded when we have our coffees, but was very quiet this morning despite excellent weather conditions.

Frank Pupic, Carlo Iovenitti


Club Run, Sunday 24 November, 2019 at the Tan

Once again about 20 Spartans came to the Tan to run some laps and drink some club supplied beverages. The weather was good, and we shared the Tan track with the Sri Chinmoy Tan Team Relay competitors.

Back: Ken Miller, Pamela Young, Andrew Mott, Brian Walsh, Cameron Stamp, Jay Fleming.
Middle: Len Hallett, Bryan Flegg, Gavin Criddle, Anubhav Tewari, Carlo Iovenitti
Front:Frank Biviano, Candida Baskcomb, David Foskey, Nev Gardner, Archie Ingram, Tewari Jnr1, Tewari Jnr2
Missing: Pete Battrick, Steve Miller, Justin Hansen

Gavin Criddle, Jay Fleming

Len Hallett, Pete Battrick, Carlo Iovenitti

Andrew Mott, Anubhav Tewari

Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb

Candida Baskcomb, Nev Gardner, Jay Fleming, Gavin Criddle

Bryan Flegg, Frank Biviano

Club Run, Sunday 18 August 2019 at the Tan

Once again more than 20 Spartans came to the Tan to run some laps and drink some club supplied beverages. Brenda Hutchinson took the occasion to a completely new level by supplying some cake!

Back:Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Ken Miller, John Dobson, Frank Biviano, Justin Hansen, Rose Parente, Peter Seal, Gavin Criddle, John Dean, John Kaparelis, Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh, Frank Pupic
Front: David Foskey, Brenda Hutchinson, Archie Ingram, Jay Fleming, Ian Gainey
Missing: Vicky Chung, Pete Battrick, Nev Gardner. There was another green singlet Spartan on the track who didn’t join us.

Peter Seal, Rose Parente, Vicky Chung, Nev Gardner

Ian Gainey, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Gavin Criddle

David Foskey, Ian Gainey, Pamela Young, Gavin Criddle

Brian Walsh, Bryan Flegg, Frank Pupic

Jay Fleming, Archie Ingram, John Kaparelis, John Dean

Pete Battrick, Brenda Hutchinson

Club Run, Sunday 30 June 2019 at the Tan

More than 20 Spartans came to the Tan to run one or two laps, and many stayed for a cup of coffee. (Jay Fleming, as president, bought the beverages on behalf of the club.) Not everyone made it into a photo, and a few names were missed. If you are shown as “Unknown” please email David Foskey

Rear: Frank Biviano, Peter Logan (Note the 1990s Qantas singlet), Frank Pupic, John Dean, Jay Fleming, John Dobson, Stephen Barker, Brenda Hutchinson, Pamela Young, Unknown, Unknown (Peter Gilbert?), Brian Walsh, Bryan Flegg. Front: Adam Breman, Ian Gainey, Nev Gardner, Justin Hansen

John Dobson, Jay Fleming, and Ian Gainey

Stephen Barker, Brenda Hutchinson, and Justin Hansen

Adam Breman, Brenda Hutchinson, and John Dean

Bryan Flegg, Unknown, Brian Walsh

Peter Logan, Frank Biviano, Pamela Young

Anne Ziogos, John Dobson

Club Run, Sunday 24 March 2019 at the Tan

Rear: Bryan Flegg, Peter Seal, Pamela Young, Justin Hansen, David Foskey, Jay Fleming, Peter Gilbert, Frank Biviano, Andrew Mott. Kneeling: Rose Parente, John Dobson, Cathy Roberts. Absent from photo: Ken Miller.

Frank Biviano, Stephen Gilbert and Cathy Roberts chatting before the run.

Rose Parente, Pamela Young, Cathy Roberts

David Foskey, Bryan Flegg, Jay Fleming, Ken Miller, John Dobson

Club Run, Sunday 2 December 2018

Thunder, lightning and heavy rain at 3am did not augur well for a successful club run. However, the morning was clear, the sun appeared and 15 Spartans enjoyed a pleasant run followed by light refreshments at Jardin Tan.

Jay Fleming, Vilim Podreka, John Cunningham, Tony Martin, Andrew Mott, Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh, Len Hallett, Steven Lightowler, Candida Baskcomb, David Foskey.David and Candida are wearing the new Spartan buffs, however, this isn’t the recommended mode.

Jay Fleming, Bryan Flegg, Len Hallett, Vilim Podreka

Steve Lightowler, Jay Fleming, Nev Gardner

Andrew Mott, Candida Baskcomb

Brian Walsh, Steve Lightowler, Jay Fleming, Nev Gardner, Bryan Flegg, Len Hallett, Vilim Podreka, Candida Baskcomb

Bryan Flegg in the lead, Brian Walsh and John Adams in the group following, Peter Ryan and Frank Biviano at the rear.

Club Run, 5 August 2018

15 Spartans met at the Albert Park Carousel on a cold and windy day.

Peter Seal, Candida Baskcomb, Pamela Young, Brian Walsh, Bruce “Digger” Hargreaves, Andrew Mott, Jay Fleming, Nev Gardner, John Dean, Frank Biviano, Stephen Barker, Bryan Flegg, John Kaparelis, Ian Gainey         Missing: David Foskey (Photographer)
Small groups each ran a lap at widely varying speeds, afterwards meeting inside for refreshments.

Nev Gardner (front left), Stephen Barker, Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh

Pamela Young (partial), Candida Baskcomb, Peter Seal, Jay Fleming, Bruce Hargreaves, John Dean, John Kaparelis, Andrew Mott

Bruce Hargreaves, Ian Gainey, Frank Biviano, Stephen Barker

Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Peter Seal, Jay Fleming

The collage above shows, at left, Nev Gardner and Bruce Hargreaves at today’s run, centre shows Bruce (far left) and Nev (far right) during the 1978 Marathon and at right we see the same two gentlemen at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
We intend to set up a formal Club Run schedule for 2019 which will be published here and in Newsletters.

Club Run, 24 June 2018

Clear skies and no wind greeted us on a day ideal for running. Due to the failure of the organiser of the run to check the race calendar, we shared the Tan with the “Tan Ultra”. However, we were able to see several Spartans as they went past on one of their several laps. Candida Baskcomb (50k), Jane Sturzaker(42k), and John Kaparelis(42k) took enough of a break to join us in the photo below.

John Dean, Jay Fleming, John Kaparelis, Pamela Young, Candida Baskcomb, Steve Miller, Jane Sturzaker, Nev Gardner, Ken Miller. Missing from photo: David Foskey.

After our one or two laps, we shared an outside table at Jardin Tan where Felicity Doolan joined us for a chat and a coffee.

Club Run, 22 April 2018

A small group enjoyed a lap or two of the Tan, at widely varying paces, in beautiful autumn weather. Afterwards we gathered around an outside table of Jardin Tan for a chat and a coffee.

We will do it again in a month or so. Pamela has requested that more female Spartans attend!

Before setting off: Peter Seal, Brian Walsh, Dennis Nish, Bryan Flegg, Jay Fleming, Nev Gardner, Frank Biviano, Pamela Young, David Foskey, Tony Martin, Frank Pupic.

Ian Gainey missed being in this photo.

Standing: Frank Pupic, Brian Walsh, Pamela Young, Jay Fleming, Bryan Flegg, Dennis Nish, Peter Seal. Seated: Nev Gardner, David Foskey, Ian Gainey

Club Run, 23 July 2017

A select group of runners braved the inclement conditions for a run on the 23rd of July.

Bryan Flegg, John Dobson, John Dean, Jay Fleming, Ian Gainey, Frank Biviano, Francis Kaszmarek.
Bryan Flegg, John Dobson, John Dean, Ian Gainey, Francis Kaszmarek, Frank Biviano

Club run, 5 March 2017

We met outside the Observatory, Birdwood Avenue at 8am and ran/jogged/walked a lap or two of the Tan. Afterwards we had a coffee or orange juice at Jardin Tan.

Standing: John Kaparelis, Conor McNeice, Frank Biviano, Pamela Young, Nev Gardner, Vince Politino, Jane Sturzaker, Bruce “Digger” Hargreaves, Carlo Iovenitti, Brian Walsh, Justin Hansen. Kneeling: Jay Fleming, Candida Baskcomb, David Foskey. Missing from photo: Peter Ryan

Hall of Fame Social Run and Get Together, 5 July 2015

Our first club run for 2015 attracted 17 runners who did one or two laps around the Tan, then adjourned to the Jardin Tan eatery for refreshments. We were very glad that we had a few members attend who aren’t (yet?) in the Hall of Fame.

The date chosen coincided with the Gold Coast Marathon which ruled out a few potential starters. We will organise a similar run in the future.

David Foskey, Nev Gardner, Cath Bombardieri, Roger Weinstein, John Dobson, Peter Ryan, Dennis Nish, Justin Hansen, Mike Zervos, Jay Fleming, Ray Cilia, Brian Walsh, Frank Biviano, Bryan Flegg, Antony Martin, Felicity Doolan, Carlo Iovenitti.

Before the Run

Peter Ryan, Mike Zervos, Felicity Doolan, Dennis Nish

Cath Bombardieri, Antony Martin, Bryan Flegg

Frank Biviano, Roger Weinstein

Ray Cilia, Jay Fleming, Felicity Doolan

Dennis Nish, Justin Hansen

Antony Martin, Felicity Doolan

Setting Off

Bryan Flegg, Justin Hansen, Mike Zervos, Peter Ryan, Jay Fleming, Cath Bombardieri, John Dobson, Ray Cilia

David Foskey, Carlo Iovenitti, Frank Biviano, Brian Walsh, Roger Weinstein, Dennis Nish

Nev Gardner, Antony Martin, David Foskey, Carlo Iovenitti, Brian Walsh, Frank Biviano, Roger Weinstein, Dennis Nish

End of a lap

Peter Ryan, David Foskey

Cath Bombardieri, Mike Zervos

Carlo Iovenitti, Brian Walsh

Neville Gardner

Bryan Flegg

Antony Martin

Eric, Frank Biviano

Bryan Flegg, Carlo Iovenitti, Brian Walsh – in Jardin Tan

Roger Weinstein, Dennis Nish

In Jardin Tan

John Dobson, Roger Weinstein, Peter Ryan

Dennis Nish, Justin Hansen, obscured, obscured, Bryan Flegg, Brian Walsh, Jay Fleming, Ray Cilia, Ken Bolitho

Brian Walsh, Nev Gardner and Jay Fleming.

Victorian Road Runners Runs

Join the Victorian Road Runners on the first Saturday of each month at the Tan, commencing at 7.30 am for a run of 4km or 8km (or more!). President Jay Fleming hopes to see you, in your Spartan singlet, for a lap.

The picture shows committee member John Kaparelis on the left and President Jay Fleming on the right.







Club Run, Sunday May 4, 2014

A few stalwarts turned up even though the weather was less than promising. True to expectation, there were periods of heavy rain during the run, but the sun came out by the end. There was always the prospect of a warm drink in the comfort of the Observatory Cafe – alas, closed for renovations! This meant that there was at least one Spartan on the Tan (running much faster than me) that I didn’t meet, so if you read this, please send an email and let me know who you are.

We will organise another run: we can’t guarantee the weather, but we do promise to check whether coffee will be available.

22nd March 2014 Club Run

We started a little after 8:00 am on the Tan, near the Observatory Cafe. We had ten members and broke up into a number of groups according to the desired speed of the runners. One group ran a single lap at a leisurely pace. This group included Nev Gardner who was knocked off his bike by a car on New Years Day. Other groups ran two or three laps at varying paces.

Jane Sturzaker, Frank Biviano, Nev Gardner, Maurice Gregory, Peter Ryan, David Foskey, Jay Fleming, Bruce “Digger” Hargreaves, John Dobson, John Kaparelis


Most of us adjourned to the Observatory Cafe for a snack and a chat to round off an enjoyable morning.

2013 Club Runs

Starting in May, the Sunday Run is back! They commenced May 5, continuing weekly until Sunday the 30th of June which was the last in the first series.

The May 19 run doubled as an opportunity to shoot some footage for a future documentary. Those who attended were treated to some marvellous weather and had an enjoyable day. We would like to thank the Carousel Cafe for reserving two tables for us on their busiest day of the year and making their deck available for filming.

Bruce Hargreaves, Frank Biviano, Wayne Thompson, Pete Battrick and David Foskey
Relaxing afterwards: David Foskey, Wayne Thompson, Bruce Hargreaves, Ray Cilia, Bryan Flegg and Frank Biviano

Added in 2022 – the documentary did not eventuate.