How does a Melbourne Marathon runner become a SPARTAN?

By completing ten Melbourne marathons. Each finishing time must be officially recorded so that all times can be verified. It is not necessary that the ten marathons be run consecutively.
If you have already run ten Melbourne Marathons, or plan to run your 10th in 2025:

  • Advise us of your marathon times, as accurately as possible. These will be confirmed by the club.
  • A good resource to find your times is the “Search for Runners” on AUSRUNNING.
  • Also advise us of your contact details and date of birth.
  • Pay the annual subscription fee. Download the membership form.
  • You can purchase a Spartan singlet to wear on your tenth run.
  • Your permanent Spartan number will be allocated after you have completed your tenth run.

Note the we cannot recognise times achieved in the 2020 Virtual Melbourne Marathon.

How to email the club.

Contact us by emailing to [email protected].

Definition of a Finisher

There is a deadline of 2pm (7 hours) which commences at 7am when the gun goes off. The cut-off exists for road closure purposes and cannot be extended due to council, Vic Roads, Victoria Police, and Public Transport Victoria restrictions.

The gate to the MCG will close at 2pm on the dot, at the same time the finishers clock will go blank. No finisher times will be recorded by the event post 2pm.

Whilst the seven hour cut-off has been in place for many years, the event organiser (currently IMG) has recently formalised this requirement with the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club to ensure that road closure times are adhered to.

The foregoing should be read in conjunction with the By-Laws of the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club Inc.

Why should I be a financial member of the Melbourne Marathon Spartans club?

When do I get my Spartan singlet?

Following the successful completion of your ninth Melbourne Marathon and prior to running your tenth Melbourne Marathon, the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club is to be advised of your nine Melbourne Marathon finish times. It is each runner’s responsibility to advise the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club of their nine marathon times.

Once all finishing times have been verified you will be invited to join the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club and will be presented with your Spartan singlet at the Club’s Annual General Meeting so that you can run your tenth Melbourne Marathon in the singlet.

Singlets are presented at the Club’s Annual General meeting which is normally held in the September prior to the marathon in October. Whilst it is preferable for runners to attend the Club’s AGM and be formally presented with their singlet, other arrangements can be made if this cannot happen.

When do I get my permanent Spartan Race Number?

Following the successful completion of your tenth Melbourne Marathon and once your time has been verified, you will then be officially known as a Melbourne Marathon Spartan and be assigned a permanent Melbourne Marathon Race Number.

Once a Spartan, whose responsibility is it to ensure that each of my successive Melbourne Marathon times have been recorded by the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club?

Whilst every effort is made by the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club to extract and record each Spartans times from the Official Results, the responsibility of ensuring your time is recorded is that of each individual.

Running your 15, 20 or 25th etc. milestone Melbourne Marathon?

If you are about to run a milestone marathon or have run a milestone marathon that hasn’t been acknowledged by the Club with the presentation of an appropriate milestone singlet, please advise the Club and arrangements will be made for you to receive your singlet.

Following the verification of times singlets are presented at the Club’s Annual General Meeting which is held in the September prior to the October marathon. Whilst it is preferable for runners to attend the Club’s AGM and be formally presented with their singlet, other arrangements can be made if this cannot happen.

It is each runner’s responsibility to advise the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club of their coming milestone marathons.

See here for photographs of the various singlets that have been offered over the years.

What other milestones are acknowledged by the Club?

The milestones currently being acknowledged by the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club are:

  • 10 Years Green Spartan Singlet
  • 15 Years Blue Spartan Singlet
  • 20 Years Red Spartan Singlet
  • 25 Years Black Spartan Singlet
  • 30 Years Once Hall of Fame status is attained at 30 Years, each milestone singlet thereafter is Green with a White inset. Each singlet displays the level of milestone and that Hall of Fame status has been attained.

Each runner who has completed all Melbourne Marathons since the inaugural marathon in 1978 has a distinctive green and gold singlet with the Spartan logo on the front and the wording Melbourne Marathon 45 year runner 1978-2023 inscribed on the back.

When do I become a Hall of Fame member of the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club?

Once you have successfully completed thirty Melbourne Marathons and had your times verified, you will be formally invited to become a Hall of Fame member. Presentation of framed Hall of Fame certificates is made at the Club’s Annual General Meeting following the successful completion of the invitees’ thirty Melbourne Marathons.

A condition of entry into the Hall of Fame is that you must be a financial member of the Club. Once inducted into the Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club – Hall of Fame, you will be listed on the Club’s website as a Hall of Fame member.

Paying your Membership – The membership year is July 1 to June 30. 2024-2025 membership is $45.

  • Either
  • Cheque payable to Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club.
  • Post to Post to PO Box 486 Camberwell VIC 3124
  • (with your name and/or Spartan number as reference please).
  • Or
  • EFT to Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club.
  • BSB: 633-000, Account: 13920 1743
  • (with your name and/or Spartan number as reference please).

New since 2022
You can also pay on-line through this link.

Membership for 2024-2025 is now being accepted
Financial Spartans are listed here. You can download the membership form from here..


The current committee members are listed here.

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