Tom Roach
Tom Roach became the fourth honorary Spartan when he completed his tenth Melbourne Marathon Festival event.
Tom was born at 29 weeks, weighing less than a kg. He spent the first 290 days of his life in the NICU at the Royal Women’s hospital. He was diagnosed at two with Cerebral Palsy and soon after started attending the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre. Here he spent countless hours learning to control his body and was encouraged and supported as he transitioned into the mainstream kindergarten system and then commenced his formal education at Kew primary school.
See a video of showing some of the therapy that Tom underwent when younger.
2024 Update
Tom’s mother supplied these details
Tom is now in year 10 at Scotch College and towers above me at 5ft 10. He competes at a National level representing Athletics Victoria and Little Aths Victoria and swims competitively, recently setting two Scotch School records at APS finals night. Next week we’re off to Adelaide for the Australian Athletics Championships.
Tom still does 2-3 intensive blocks of therapy a year, trains 4 times a week for swimming (T1/4) and twice a week (T2/3), and 4 times a week at MULTUS for athletics. He horse rides and biggest passion is still rollercoasters.
In 2023 he was awarded the Boroondara Sports Person of the Year award.
Due to the timing of the Melbourne Marathon, Tom hasn’t had the opportunity to compete since COVID.

At, left showing medals earned at the 2023 National Little Athletics championships. (Tom has a lot of medals!)
Tom in 2019 and Earlier

Singlet Presentation, 2019 Annual General Meeting
Race Day
See a video of race day 2013

School Sports Australia Track and Field Championships in Darwin, September 2019
PDF of an article from the Progress Press on September 17 before Tom went to Darwin for the State Schools of Australia National Championships.